Book 160: "Red Dragon" by Thomas Harris

Title: Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter 1)
Author: Thomas Harris
Read in: Mass Market Paperback
Genre:  Thriller
Publisher: Berkley

This is outside my usual genres. I am not really a thriller reader, in general. However, my book club is helping me to break my habits and re-explore little read by me genres. I chose this book, in all honesty, because I do have a thing for creepy serial killers. I can't tell you why, but their histories (not their deeds) fascinate me. It is for that reason that I love the Hannibal Lecter movies. They focus less on the actual crimes of serial killers but on the why. So, when my book club chose to read a spooky book for fall; I decided it was more than time for me to read the books to the movies I appreciate so much. As is almost always (excepting the case of maybe 3 books) the book was SO much better.

I really enjoyed this book. It is well written, well developed (both plot and characters), and it definitely keeps the reader turning the page. It's just the right amount of creepy and intrigue. I will most likely continue the series. The only thing that surprised me was that, as the "book that introduces Hannibal Lecter", the famed Hannibal the Cannibal is hardly in the book at all. He is mentioned often, but actually only appears in one scene of the story. I am intrigued to see how the books develop his character at such a distant place. In short; read this book, if you haven't already, it's a really good one.
