Book 111: "The Revenge of the Dwarves" by Markus Heitz
Title: The Revenge of the Dwarves (Dwarves Series #3)
Author: Markus Heitz
Read In: Trade Paperback
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Publisher: Orbit
This is book three of four in the Dwarves Series by Heitz. I like this series; it is well written and unique. I've covered why in past reviews.
Book three, The Revenge of the Dwarves, was less cohesive than the first two books. The books are character driven, which I like, because it creates complex characters with a lot of development. However, this method seemed to overtake the plot a little too much in the third book. The characters showed growth and became even more complex, but the plot was underdeveloped. Though the book was still enjoyable, the plot was simple and seemed pieced together in a very loose way. With the complexity and mystery that was built up for the first part of the book, I expected a more complex and better explained reveal.
Overall, because the characters carry the book, I still enjoyed reading it. I will also be reading the last installment of the series. Heitz is a good author and his take on fantasy creatures in his world is pretty unique, making the series an interesting and good read. Hopefully this was just the weaker of the four books.
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