Banned Books Week: Why it Matters

If you follow me on Facebook, you have probably noticed that I've been a bit excited about celebrating Banned Books Week. It is partially because it's the one week a year that's all about reading, which for a book nerd like me, is pretty exciting all on its own. It's also important, however, to spread awareness that censorship is still very present in today's society. Books are still often challenged in schools and public libraries for a multitude of reasons. But what's the big deal? I mean, after all, you can still go to your local bookstore or the internet to buy said "banned book" with no consequences, right? Reading has always been a passion for me. I was raised believing in the power and magic of the written word. Books, in all societies, across history, are an essential part of shaping culture. Because of their form, they have the ability to deeply tackle issues that would be otherwise inaccessible to the general public. Each art has it's...