Book 136: "City of Dark Magic" by Magnus Flyte

Title: City of Dark Magic Author: Magnus Flyte Publisher: Penguin Group (USA) Read In: Trade Paperback Genre: Fiction, Magical Realism I loved this book. I have a hard time placing it in genre. It rings most true to magical realism, though it obviously lacks the Latin/South American origin that usually goes with that genre; it is also a bit more aware about the unrealistic nature of what happens. Regardless of where it falls, it's a very good book. I finished it on Saturday and it is still with me. I can't seem to escape its world. Primarily set in Prague, this book is full of intrigue, murder, mystery, history, music, friendship, magic, and love. The characters are unique and complex. The writing is wonderful, it completely wraps you in the world the characters are experiencing. The book is written in first person, from the point of view of two characters. The primary character is Sarah. Sarah is a PhD candidate who specializes i...