From the Archives: Book 4: "Love, Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli

"Love, Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli SPOILER ALERT: This is a sequel to "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli. If you haven't read "Stargirl" I may spoil some things for you! Verdict: Read Stargirl, then read this... Genre: Young Adult Fiction Okay, I have to say that I did not enjoy this as much as "Stargirl". "Love, Stargirl" is written in epistolary format (in letters) rather, one very long letter. The letter is from Stargirl to Leo. "Love, Stargirl" is Stargirl's journey to rediscovering herself. As you know, in "Stargirl", she kind of loses sight of the care-free girl that you come to love. What you don't realize is how much she lost. I found "Love, Stargirl" rather depressing. Stargirl still does the somewhat odd things that you learned to love her for in the first book, but in this book she is epically sad and it's mostly about Leo. This really bothers me, I wanted her to move on from L...