Book 169: "How To Be Single: A Novel" By Liz Tuccillo

I actually chose to read this because of how inspiring I found the movie. I wanted more of that, I wanted to delve deeper into the characters that the movie had given me. Big mistake. This has been added to my very, very short list of books that are worse than the movie (it holds the number 3 slot). That may be harsh, the book was well-written. It's characters and plot were well developed. The book should have a disclaimer saying, don't ever read this book while single. Ever. This was one of the more depressing views I've ever read on relationships, men, and dating in-general. This is an entire book about how women just let ourselves be walked on and how men are -everywhere in the world- cheating, lying, scum that women must simply accept. Frankly, this book was not a fair or accurate portrayal of either sex. Every woman in the book was desperate for that one love or wanting so bad to be married she'd settle for less. The one good guy in the book was depicted as bor...