Book 133: "The Hanged Man" by P.N. Elrod
Title: The Hanged Man (Her Majesty's Psychic Service #1) Author: P.N. Elrod Genre: Paranormal, Historical, Slightly Steampunk Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates Read In: Nook ePub The Hanged Man is set in the late Victorian England. It is an alternate history where the paranormal exist and are integrated into society. The main character is a Reader. In other words, she reads the emotions of places, people, and things; much like psychic (though not the fortune telling kind). In England, Readers are used to help Scotland Yard in the investigation of crimes. Basically they read the emotions of the crime scene and provide clues from those emotions. Their sector is called her Majesty's Psychic Service and is considered a separate piece of the government. Like most books in this vein, there is a mystery and a secret society that are at play. I had high hopes for this book. It was recommended by Gail Carriger, author of the Parasol Protectorate Series, on her blog. Unfor...